Fertilizers with controlled accessibility

Fertilizers with controlled accessibility


The latest concept of fertilization in farming.

Thanks to the possibility of listing the device, controlled accessibility of nitrogenous nutrients in the period of 2, 4 and 6 months, depending on the length of vegetation, is ensured. The total amount of nutrients is applied in sowing from the depositor with the usual norms of 200-250 kg / ha. Great savings in human and machine work are possible, reduction of the battering and deterioration of the soil structure. The release of nutrients from the granule by simple diffusion through the membrane is proportional to the soil temperature, and with the increase in crops and the increase in the need for mineral nutrition, the accessibility of nutrients increases accordingly. Nitrogen losses by washing, volatilization or denitrification are minimized. The use of phosphorus and potassium by plants is maximal because the nutrients are concentrated in the root zone. Thanks to root secretions and the establishment of ecto and endomycorbide, after the Panoramix seed treatment treatment, a high percentage of nutrient utilization is achieved, which significantly reduces the required amount of fertilizer.